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Our Mission

GORA Corp’s mission is to observe and connect research to actions for sustainable urban development, where human settlements are resilient, safe and inclusive. Linking Research to Action, GORA Corp makes people, researchers and policy makers to join hands and put in place policies that can promote people’s wellbeing. GORA Corp creates an inclusive and participatory framework where the views of all stakeholders count; and empowers people and institutions with information that helps to prioritize their needs in the global, national and local development agenda. 

Our Governance
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The Global Observatory linking Research to Action (GORA) Corp is registered in the State of New York as a charitable corporation under Section 201 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law. On 25th July 2014, the organization received its Certificate of Incorporation (#140724000750) on 25th July 2014. In August 2014, GORA Corp received its Employer Identification Number from the United States Department of the Internal Revenue Service.In March 2015, the United States Internal Revenue Service, after reviewing GORA Corp’s mission and programmes, and considering the active leadership of GORA Corp on sustainable urban development since its inception, determined that GORA Corp is tax-exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.GORA is governed by its Articles of Incorporation and its Bylaws approved by its Board of Directors on 15th August 2014.​Nondiscrimination Policy: GORA does not practice or permit any discrimination on the basis of sex, age, race, color, national origin, religion, physical handicap or disability, or any other basis prohibited by law.

                                                              GORA's Bylaws

Founder: Gora Mboup

Board of Directors between 2014 and 2019

Vice President: Dr. Robert Johnston, Secretary: Dr. Nefise Bazoglu

Members: Dr. Cheikh Mbacke, Prof Oyebanji Oyeyinka, Ms. Maharufa Hossain, Dr. Ousmane Drame

Africa Regional Programme: Dr. Omondi Odhiambo, Mr. Dennis Mwaniki

Our Work

Linking Research to Action
GORA Corp addresses the urgent need to improve the world-wide base of knowledge by supporting people,  national governments, local authorities, international organizations, NGOs and other stakeholders to develop and implement people-centered policies. This is effected through the organization's platform - Observatory linking Research to Action (ORAs).

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ORAs are institutional platforms for development of urban indicators with quantitative as well as qualitative sources, from classical sources of information (population and housing censuses and household surveys) as well as GIS, social media and other  Big data. They serve monitoring, evaluation and result-based management promoting an agenda by the people for the people. 

Advocacy & Communication
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ORA's key findings are shared with people and institutions through user friendly open platform of advocacy and communication . ORAs promote Open data through data visualization and revolution technology including social media, open portal, workshops and conferences.

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The ORA policy/action toolkit combines research analysis, impact assessment and learning practices and policies to assist for policy formulation and action plan development for a people agenda

Training & Capacity Development
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A major weak link between research and action is in the difficulty of people,government employees and other stakeholders to access and use indicators for policy formulation. GORA's training and capacity development tools  link research to action.

The Founder
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Born from a mother who lost five children at a young age, GORA Corp’s founder - Dr. Gora Mboup, grew up often asking himself what miracle made him and his three siblings who were born later to survive; though malnourished and often sick as a result of limited access to basic services: water, sanitation, housing, health and education, all consequences of social inequalities. Despite the adversity of life in his family, Gora’s parents taught him and his siblings the value of perseverance, which often results in resilience. 

This critical lesson in Dr. Mboup’s early life has over the years shaped his approach to life and global development, culminating in his believe that resilience starts at home, change must come from the people, and that positive engagement with the people is the key to upwardly shaping global, regional, national and local agendas. 

Over the years, Dr. Mboup has worked in various international positions, garnering more than 25 years of international development and cooperation experience.  For ten years, he coordinated the USAID funded Demographic and Health Survey Programme in West and Central Africa. He spent another ten years as the senior Demographer and the Chief of United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)’s Global Urban Observatory. In June 2014, Dr. Mboup, in an agreed separation moved from being a staff of UN-Habitat to create the Global Observatory linking Research to Action (GORA) Corp.

Dr. Mboup holds a Ph.D. and a Master in Demography, a Bachelor degree in Statistics, a Bachelor Degree in Economics and a first degree in Mathematics and Physics.

Milestones: Governance & Achievements

Milestones on Governance and Achievements


Fully funded by the founder

with A volunteer board of directors

learn more

July 2014

September 2014

March 2015

April 2015

September 2015

October 2016





GORA Corp was established as a not-for-profit organization in New York

GORA Corp was officially launched in New York at the United Nations General Assembly.

Determination of GORA Corp as tax-exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3)

GORA Corp launched its first regional programme in Nairobi, Kenya for the Africa region

Accreditation for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Summit

Memorandum of Understanding between UN-Habitat and GORA on  Smart Cities

Three publications on Smart Cities with Springer and Digital Urbanization with Cambridge U Press

Signed MOUs with global, national and local institutions on urban observatories

Several Conferences and Capacity Building workshops

Five key indices: Smart City, Sustainable City, City Foundation, Smart Mobility & Multiple Slums

Planning 2020-2025: Program & Resources







Smart Urban Observatories

Smart Policies

Smart Cities


Diversified project-based funding

Learn More
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Our Contact

260 Madison Avenue,8th  Floor, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA 10016 (HQ)






Copyright © *2023* *GORA Corp*, All rights reserved.

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